Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This post might be all over the place, but....

I've been thinking a lot lately. About anything and everything. Deep and not so deep. What is our REAL purpose/mission in this life. Am I doing the right thing? What is next on my "to do" list, did I play with my children enough today, did I take the dog out, do we have enough money, why won't my children obey, did I appreciate my husband enough today, did I remember to email so and so, etc, etc.....I could go ON AND ON. But I've found that I do my best thinking when it's late at night and the house is perfectly quiet. The kids are asleep and my husband is out of town. I haven't had any major revelations, but I've felt the Spirit. I know He is aware of me and my worries and stresses. I make mistakes everyday, but tomorrow is another day and I can try to do better next time. I'm getting "older" and I forget a lot more, my knee pops, and my wrists have a constant dull pain, but it just reminds me that this life is but a short moment. We need to look at the BIG picture.

I've been reading the New Testament to my kids at the bus stop every morning and it's been such a great blessing, but also a struggle. My 8 yr. old dreads every minute of it and makes sure that I know he doesn't like it, but my 5 yr. old and 2 yr. old have come up with some pretty amazing questions. We were reading in Matthew about the event of Christ's crucifixion and when Jesus died, He cried out to the Father and said, "It is finished." My 5 yr. old said, "but isn't Heavenly Father, Jesus?" You have to understand that he is going to preschool at a private Baptist school where they teach the children that the Godhead is one being. So we got into quite the discussion about how we believe there are 3 separate beings and we know that is true, but we can still respect his teacher for believing what she believes without judgement because we are all children of God.

I love moments like that. It makes me really sad that I don't have very many with my 8 yr. old and I wonder why that is, but I'll never give up trying. I can just see what our lives are gonna be like when he is a teenager.......ugh....but I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father who has entrusted these little spirits in my care. I want to teach them, protect them, and love them and I just hope I am doing it the way the Lord wants me to.


Heather said...

you are doing great, my sister. I love you.

Sister Pabst said...

I'm not sure if you'll read this... but I think you're doing an INCREDIBLE job. Keep it up, Mama! Loves!