Saturday, April 10, 2010

He said THE FUNNIEST thing!!!

So it was bedtime. Dan was getting Lauryn ready for bed and I had just put Jacob in his bed with a book and walked into the bathroom to help Spencer get out of the shower.

Me: Ok, Spencer, it's time to get out.

Spencer: Do you have "Super-Vision"?

Me: What?

S: You know, you can see through stuff like this.....(makes superhero noises and gestures with his hands and eyes, like x-ray vision)

Me: Do you mean that I could see you through the door and knew when you were getting out and I came in right at the same time? Well, yes, I guess I do! ;)

S: (he picks up the shampoo bottle and reads) like........."Use under 'adult supervision'"

Me: LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOL!!!!! Spencer, you are so funny! Do you know what adult supervision is?

S: No......

Me: It's when an adult watches over you or babysits you.

S: Oh!


Brooke said...

Okay, I'm crying. That's like one of those funnies you read in a magazine. Send it in!! Too cute.

Hyde Family said...

LOL that really was hilarious!!! He reminds me so much of my boy that same age, I think it makes it funnier cause I can almost hear him saying it!!!!